5 Kilo Event – El Buen Samaritano

Children who go hungry fight battles they shouldn ́t have to. A brain that is starved of vital nutrients is one that can ́t concentrate. The result is failing at school or performing badly at work. Mental and physical potentials are never achieved as a nutritious diet often isn ́t either affordable or available.

Poverty and hunger go hand in hand and it starts in the home. Food insecurity means empty cupboards and anxious parents who are often faced with paying the bills or buying groceries. Often parents and children in poor households suffer from long term damage to their health and mental well being.

Covid-19 has made the situation worse and thrown countless more families into the poverty food trap leaving them desperately seeking help and welfare.

El Buen Samaritano in Cartagena is a non-profit making association that helps people in situations of emergency, risk and social exclusion. Never have their services been so required as today.

Unemployment has increased considerably, as many workers are self-employed with jobs that can go in an instant. Families have little or no savings and often are not eligible for social benefits. Family units can be three generational with pooled resources and finances which are severely stretched if one income is withdrawn through no fault of their own.

The main role of the Association is to distribute fresh and packaged food one day a week to approximately 600 people. This is called  ́Home Provision ́. They also distribute clothing, personal hygiene products and medicines to about 150 people. An average of 300 people a year are helped to find employment, though it ́s a tough call in today ́s Covid climate.

People who come to the food store have been sent by the City Council with a document certifying their economic status.

Every year we run a 5 Kilo event here at La Manga Club. The idea is to collect food and dried goods for the food store. To find out about this year’s event click on the link below.

Food required:

  • 1 kilo packets of pasta, rice, lentils, beans, sugar, flour
  • 200 gram tins of tomatoes, whole chopped or frito
  • Small tins of tuna
  • 1 litres of oil, cooking or olive

If you cannot contribute on the day of the event please leave food at Villa 67 Calle Rambla

Donations however large or small will be much appreciated and can be paid into the following bank account:

La Caixa, LMC Owners Charity ES58 2100 4369 9002 0013 3277

Thank you.

5 Kilo event
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